In this post I talked about how what may look like dandruff may just be a very dry scalp.
How to treat a dry scalp:
Basically there are two things you have to do: stimulate the oil glands, and use gentle hair products.
How to stimulate the oil glands:
♥ Wash your hair with cool or cold water. Very warm of hot water strips the scalp of its oil, while cold water stimulates the oil glands. Read more
♥ For the same reason, use the hair dryer sparingly, and never on the hottest setting.
♥ Massage your scalp, you can use a bit of oil on your fingertips.
♥ Brush your scalp, this stimulates the oil glads, and loosens the flakes.
♥ Go upside-down for a few minutes every day. We spend a huge of our life upright, and our head is the last place the blood goes to.
Use the right products:
♥ Use a gentle shampoo for dry hair. Remember, you should match the shampoo to the scalp type (and the conditioner to the hair type.)
♥ Avoid shampoo with SLS and sodium. Both aggravate dry scalp.
♥ Do not use an anti-dandruff shampoo ! These are usually quite harsh, and will irritate a dry scalp.
♥ You can try using your conditioner as shampoo. This is really helpful to balance out all kinds of scalp problems. Read about it here.
♥ Try an oil treatment for your scalp. You can either do a deep conditioning treatment, or else massage a tiny bit of oil on your scalp either before bed (so that it has all night to sink in) or after a shampoo when you hair is still wet: this seals in the moisture, and prevent the scalp from drying out further. Read more on using oils and different kinds of oils.
Ellzabeth AgeTwelve · 661 weeks ago